Saturday, February 17, 2007


Well the tickets are booked for China. There is also some possibility that I might go to Africa in May. That would be great. I was hoping to go to China in May, but everyone's schedules didn't work out that way. So if I could go to Africa, that would be great. it would only be 10 days, but that is all I need. Plus, I would need to take the time off unpaid, because even the 3 weeks to China will require 1 week unpaid (unless I can bank some serious overtime... which is unlikely). But regardless, 10 days in Africa to go and help build an orphanage would be such a great experience. Does it seem weird though that I would be running away from here where a baby is supposed to be born in May to go build an orphanage?

I love babies, and even this one I wish all the best. But nonetheless, it is hard, and I am not sure how I will deal with May no matter where in the world I happen to be. I hope it is Africa; cross your fingers for me!

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